
Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Wholehearted Wife by Erin, Greg & Gary Smalley

Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege of reading "The Wholehearted Wife: 10 keys to a more loving relationship by Erin, Greg and Gary Smalley". I say weeks because with three girls in the house, and the youngest being just 8 weeks old, I don't get as much reading time anymore. But that's okay because I wouldn't want it any other way! :)

I was especially excited to read and review this book as I have always been a fan of Gary Smalley's! This is the first time though that I have read anything by Gary's son and daughter in law, Greg and Erin. I found that a majority of this book is actually written by Erin, which makes a lot of sense to me considering this book is written for wives. There are small tidbits here and there from Greg and Gary.

There are 10 chapters in this book which focus on subjects such as Honoring our husbands, Accepting Personality Differences, and Connecting Spiritually (just to name a few). I found it really easy to read from Erin's point of view as she frequently uses illustrations with stories to get her point across. I also loved that the book included a Personality Quiz to help wives figure out their strengths and weaknesses, which could be very beneficial in marriage.

The only thing I disliked about this book is the way it switched from Erin, to Greg to Gary's point of view. I found it to be a bit confusing at times since it often switched right in the middle of a chapter. I still found this book to be a favorite of mine and would definitely recommend it! I rate it as 5 stars.

I received this book for free from Tyndale Publishers to give my honest unbiased opinion.

About the Authors:

Erin Smalley and her husband live in Colorado with their 4 children. She currently works at Focus on the Family and enjoys speaking at women's conferences. Erin has published numerous articles for ParentLife, HomeLife, and Marriage Partnership magazines. She co-authored her first book in 2007, entitled "Grown Up Gitlfriends" and she also wrote a premarital book with her husband called "Before you plan your wedding, plan your marriage" before co-authoring "The Wholehearted Wife" with her husband and father-in-law.

Dr. Greg Smalley serves as executive director of Marriage and Family Formation at Focus on the Family. He is the author of 11 books including "The Wholehearted Wife" which he co-authored with his wife and father.

Dr. Gary Smalley is a family counselor, the president and founder of the Smalley Relationship Center and the author of 40 books on marriage.

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