Bedtime Stories and Prayers: Blessings for bedtime is written by Dandi Daley Mackall and Kathleen Long Bostrom, and is illustrated by Elena Kucharik. It's part of the Little blessings series for young children, but this bedtime book includes four short stories included in this one book. The stories included are Bedtime Blessings, Thank you God, Blessings Everywhere and God Loves You. I usually see this particular series as small board books, so I was pretty excited when I opened the package to find this large book!
I just have to say that I loved the illustrations in this book. They were absolutely adorable and the children were somewhat reminiscent of Precious Moments characters. The stories are nice and short with little writing on each page or every other page. I have a 6 year old and a 17 month old and both of them sat on my lap enjoying the stories. My 17 month old almost made it all the way through the book before she needed a break, which is saying quite a bit for such a young child. She loved the colorful pages filled with children, nature and animals. I can easily see this book becoming a bedtime favorite in our home.
I also loved the values that this book instills in their simple and short stories. Thankfulness, Creation, Prayer, Blessings, God's love and His forgiveness of our sins were just a few of the topics mentioned in this sweet little book.
I would highly recommend this book and I rate it as 5 stars. My girls also give it 5 stars. :)
I received this book free from Tyndale Book Publishers to give my honest unbiased opinion.

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