The ages for these books listed range from 6 to 12 years. As you can see from the list below, most of my favorite books were in a series. *Many of these books are written for both boys and girls, but a majority of those listed are for girls.*
The Chronicles of Narnia Series by C.S. Lewis:
- The Magician's Nephew
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- The Horse and His boy
- Prince Caspian
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Silver Chair
- The Last Battle
The Little House on the Prairie Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder:
- Little House on the Prairie
- Little House in the Big Woods
- Farmer Boy
- On the Banks of Plum Creek
- By the Shores of Silver Lake
- The Long Winter
- Little Town on the Prairie
- These Happy Golden Years
- The First Four Years
Little House on the Prairie: The Rose Years by Roger Lea MacBride & David Gilleece:
- Little House on Rocky Ridge
- In the Land of the Big Red Apple
- Little Farm in the Ozarks
- Little Town in the Ozarks
- On the Banks of the Bayou
- On the Other side of the Hill
- New Dawn on Rocky Ridge
- Bachelor Girl
Little House on the Prairie: The Caroline Years by Maria D. Wilkes:
- Little House in Brookfield
- Little Clearing in the Woods
- Little Town at the Crossroads
- On top of Concord Hill
- Little City by the Lake
- A little House of their Own
Little House on the Prairie: The Charlotte Years by Melissa Wiley:
- Little House by Boston Bay
- On Tide Mill Lane
- Across the Puddingstone Dam
Little House on the Prairie: The Martha Years by Melissa Wiley:
- Little House in the Highlands
- The Far Side of the Loch
- Down to the Bonny Glen
- Beyond the Heather Hills
The Passages Series (Adventures in Odyssey) by Paul McCusker:
- Darien's Rise
- Arin's Judgement
- Annison's Risk
- Glennall's Betrayal
- Draven's Defiance
- Fendar's Legacy
Grandma's Attic Series by Arleta Richardson
- In Grandma's Attic
- Treasures from Grandma's Attic
- More Stories from Grandma's Attic
- Still More Stories from Grandma's Attic
The Three Cousins Detectives by Elspeth Campbell Murphy
- The Mystery of the White Elephant
- The Mystery of the Silent Nightingale
- The Mystery of The Wrong Dog
- The Mystery of The Dancing Angels
- The Mystery of The Hobo's Message
- The Mystery of The Magi's Treasure
- The Mystery of The Haunted Lighthouse
- The Mystery of The Dolphin Detective
- The Mystery of The Eagle Feather
- The Mystery of The Silly Goose
- The Mystery of The Copycat Clown
- The Mystery of The Honeybees' Secret
- The Mystery of The Gingerbread House
- The Mystery of The Zoo Camp
- The Mystery of The Goldfish Pond
- The Mystery of The Traveling Button
I have since found out that there are at least 30 of The Three Cousins Detective books, although I have not read any of the newer ones. ;)
Janette Oke's Animal Friends by Janette Oke:
- The Impatient Turtle
- New Kid in Town
- Prairie Dog Town
- Pordy's Prickly Problem
- Spunky's Diary
- A Cote of Many Colors
- The Prodigal Cat
The remaining books that were not part of a series:
- Charlotte's Web by E. B. White
- The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
- Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret Admirer by Jane O'Connor & Robin Preiss Glasser
- Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth by Jane O'Connor & Robin Preiss Glasser
- The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
- Anne of Green Gables Series by L.M. Montgomery
- Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
- Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
- Stuart Little by E.B. White
- The Mandie Series by Lois Gladys Leppard (I would list them all but there are at least 38 books in the series!)

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