"Clouds" is a story about a young flight attendant named Shelly Graham. Growing up, she had the best friend she could ever ask for. A boy named Jonathan Renfield. They were inseparable and did everything together. But as they grew older, friendship turned into love. Everything was perfect. But just when things became serious and Jonathan was ready for a commitment, Shelly fled. She wasn't ready for that kind of commitment and had dreams she wanted to pursue.
Fast forward 5 years, and Shelly finds herself face to face with Jonathan once again. Only this time, Shelly is ready for a commitment and realizes she still has feelings for Jonathan. She desperately wants to tell him how she feels, but there is one thing (person) stopping her. Jonathan has a fiance. Will Shelly tell him how she feels and risk destroying his engagement or will she bury her feelings like she has done during the past 5 years?
So far this is the second book I have read from the Glenbrook series, but already it is my favorite. I have a sneaking suspicion I will say that with every book I read out of this series, but we shall see! ;) I love the biblical elements that the author integrates throughout the entire story, and her emphasis on how God loves us, wants us and pursues us. It is also good to know that I can let my daughters read these books someday. Loved this book and would definitely give it 5 stars!
**I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group to give my honest unbiased opinion.**

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