Too often as parents we focus on the negative instead of the positive. Cavanaugh uses the example of a child's report card. Say your child comes home with a report card of 3 A's, a B+ and a D. Instead of focusing on the 3 A's (subjects in which your child excels), we are more likely to focus on the one bad grade that they received and let them know that they need to improve in that area. Those words are clearly not blessing your child. Instead, Cavanaugh suggests praising your child for the excellent grades they received, asking them what they enjoy most about the subjects and affirming them, and then ask about the D. Ask the child how you can help them with that subject.
We want to be careful how we interfere with the gifts and talents God has given our children. Demeaning comments or lack of praise may keep a child from pursuing their God-given talents. Show patience as your child takes time to learn things and praise their success.
Each child has their own set of gifts and talents but yet parents and teachers alike end up rewarding and disciplining children as if they all had the same attributes, ignoring the fact that since we were all created differently, perhaps we should use different measures when we praise and reward them.
Cavanaugh is also quick to note that while we should praise a child for his accomplishments, attributes and talents, we should not over-inflate our child's ego.
Included at the end of each chapter is an "Application Activity" to help gain a better understanding of your God-given talents and abilities.
I found this book to be greatly beneficial and interesting! I would rate it as 5 stars.
**I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers to give my honest unbiased review,**